9.578 Files

What is digital data and where does it go after being deleted? 9.578 Files explores trashed and lost digital data and investigates our nescient naiveté in handling data and its storage media. By contrast it questions the possible loss of data due to digitalization and fast developing technology.
Digital data from various collected media are recovered and restored. A visual memory is created out of the forgotten and discarded data which failed to be destroyed and succeeded to survive. The interaction with trashed hard drives visualizes the ease of accessing this data and pushes it back into the real world.
We collected hard drives, floppy discs and CD's and recovered the data: images, texts, all kinds of files. This data is displayed, images are formed to create personalities. Each hard drive placed in the exhibition space is equiped with a rfid tag. As soon as the drive is placed in the slot the data set is displayed. A Collaboration with Margit Blauhut