"Den Pudding an die Wand Nageln" - Nailing Pudding to the Wall

The Story
Jelloment is the seemingly impossible. The German saying, “Den Pudding an die Wand nageln”, translates to "Nailing pudding to the wall". It is a saying that describes the doing something that is impossible. The further I got into creating my thesis and manifesto and discussing my rules with other media artists, things became harder and harder to ‘nail down’ and I felt the urge to literally nail a pudding to the wall.
The Action
After this cathartic jello sessions, a jiggly framework was developed. This experiment, this Jelloment, was developed from constant shifting, rethinking and comparing the ruleset with the Dogma 95 rules. This formed the Schema-D or the [Jelloment] with all its intricacies. Through the before mentioned events and interaction, a metamorphosis from the Dogma 95 with the help of observational research shaped the rules for the Jelloment in six iterations.
The Process